Online Classes

No. of Online Classes so far
(since 19-03-2020)


Number of Classes taken Today


Average Percentage of Student Attendance


Total: 36722
S.No Date & Time Name of the Lecturer Department Stream Year Semester Programme Title of the Paper Topic Date of class Class Timings No.of Students Enrolled No.of Students Attended Percentage No.of Students attended Entire Session Percentage Methodology/Tools Used Email Phone IP Address Unique ID Recorded Video
1 2020-04-17 10:21:00 BATLANKI SATYA VARA PRASAD Chemistry UG III Year VI Semester ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY Segments of environment Hydrological cycle 2020-04-17 28 20 70.54 2 7.14 LECTURE METHOD,GOOGLE CLASSROOMANDGOOGLE MEET 9.19E+11 2409:4070:250e:c808:5358:70fd:e6f1:b8
2 2020-04-17 10:03:00 Dr. A. Alimelu Annapurna Commerce UG III Year VI Semester Management Accounting cash flow statement 2020-04-17 54 37 69 22 40.74 powerpoint presentation,study material,google class 8978737858 2405:201:c80d:1fef:ad53:8ce1:1d98:93d8
3 2020-04-17 09:51:00 Dr K RAVEENDRABABU Chemistry PG II Year IV Semester Modern Oraganic Synthesis Organosilicon Chemistry 2020-04-17 36 26 71.23 13 36.11 Notes was given to students. Asked them to prepare in advance of class.Notes was explained and interacted with students. 9492916941 2409:4070:259b:19b2:2866:6648:91c:260a
4 2020-04-17 09:42:00 M.usharani Chemistry UG III Year VI Semester Environmental chemistry Land pollution 2020-04-17 48 38 78.54 31 65.1 Lecture 9494340482 2409:4070:308:dc84::2220:a8a4
5 2020-04-17 09:37:00 I.LAXMI GAYATRI Mathematics PG II Year IV Semester Career Guidence Gk questions 2020-04-17 34 26 77.16 18 52.94 ICT question and Answer 9985901272
6 2020-04-17 09:27:00 TALADA GANESH KUMAR Mathematics PG I Year II Semester Real Analysis-II Functional of several variables- Inverse function theorem 2020-04-17 25 17 68 17 68 Lecture method 9704482890 2409:4070:695:2fda:76ac:b78d:b72b:45f
7 2020-04-17 09:20:00 TALADA GANESH KUMAR Mathematics UG III Year VI Semester Ring theory and Vector calculus Fundamental theorem of homomorphism on rings 2020-04-17 25 18 72 17 68 Question and answers 9704482890 2409:4070:695:2fda:76ac:b78d:b72b:45f
8 2020-04-17 09:11:00 G Sudhakar Mathematics UG I Year II Semester Solid geometry Shortest distance 2020-04-17 67 49 73.86 21 31.34 Hangout meet app 9441686669 2401:4900:18f6:26e2:1:2:2812:b62e
9 2020-04-17 09:11:00 D. Jayasree Microbiology UG III Year VI Semester Food Microbiology and Biotechniques Light Microscopy 2020-04-17 13 10 75.75 3 23.08 Google hangout meet app&ppt through Google classroom 8121000338
10 2020-04-17 09:09:00 B.B.Nalini Chemistry UG II Year IV Semester Spectroscopy and physical chemistry Spectroscopy 2020-04-17 28 22 77.86 15 53.57 Lecture method 8519975378 2409:4070:2e83:26d2:cc5c:c59d:3216:d402
11 2020-04-17 09:02:00 M Y NAIDU Commerce UG II Year IV Semester Accounting for Service Organization Bank Accounts 2020-04-17 36 26 71.8 13 36.11 Hangouts 8978716050 2409:4070:2410:932d:40e7:4aff:fec4:164a
12 2020-04-17 08:56:00 M. Venkateswara Rao Economics UG III Year VI Semester Agricultural Economics Reasons for low productivity in agricultural sector 2020-04-17 37 29 77.06 14 37.84 Lecture method 9848545001 2402:8100:221a:ed9d:dc71:56e6:d87:f890
13 2020-04-17 08:53:00 B.B.Nalini Chemistry UG II Year IV Semester Spectroscopy and physical chemistry Spectroscopy 2020-04-17 28 21 74.49 15 53.57 Lecture method 8519975378 2409:4070:2e83:26d2:cc5c:c59d:3216:d402
14 2020-04-17 08:36:00 Dr B Mallikarjuna Chemistry UG I Year II Semester General and physical chemistry Stereochemistry 2020-04-17 72 56 78.47 8 11.11 Goggle hangout 8985503523
15 2020-04-17 08:34:00 Dr.B.Nageshwari Biotechnology UG II Year III Semester Biophysical techniques Introduction to Light 2020-04-17 60 48 79.28 25 41.67 PPT slides (Study material )sent as PDF document to whatsapp then discussed/ clarified doubts on google hangout meet 9866219559
Total: 36722