Brief History of the Department
Government College (A) Rajahmundry is a prestigious college in Andhra Pradesh. it was started as Zillah School in 1853 by 1873 it acquired the status of a Secondary Grade College. In 1891 the college affiliated to the Madras University.
Introduction in B.A course with Economics,History and Political Sciencs was commenced in 1930, after obtaining affiliation to Andhra University in 1926.
- The Department of History in degree courses was started at Govt. College Rajahmundry in the year 1958.
- The Department of History having 491 students enrollement to this Academic year 2021 -2022
- The Department of History strengthened with Three eminent Faculty members
- Every Year History out going students got B.Ed and P.G entrace test ranks
- Numismatics Exhibition was conducted by department of history in the Academic year 2013 -2014
- The Department of History conducted a National Workshop with collebration of Humanities in Academic year 2017-2018.