Online Classes

No. of Online Classes so far
(since 19-03-2020)


Number of Classes taken Today


Average Percentage of Student Attendance


Total: 36722
S.No Date & Time Name of the Lecturer Department Stream Year Semester Programme Title of the Paper Topic Date of class Class Timings No.of Students Enrolled No.of Students Attended Percentage No.of Students attended Entire Session Percentage Methodology/Tools Used Email Phone IP Address Unique ID Recorded Video
1 2020-04-17 05:49:00 S.T.L.Poornima Physics & Electronics UG I Year II Semester Electronic Devices and circuits Doubt clarification on filter's 2020-04-17 70 54 77.29 19 27.14 Lecture method 6303854740 2409:4070:489:8a36::2a49:10b0
2 2020-04-17 05:48:00 K.Nagalakshmi Physics & Electronics UG II Year IV Semester Thermodynamics Ferry's black body 2020-04-17 69 51 74.35 22 31.88 Pen and book 8099353785 2401:4900:2080:9c52:1:2:287a:f42f
3 2020-04-17 05:47:00 MOHAMMAD FATHIMA SULTHANA Mathematics UG II Year IV Semester REAL ANALYSIS RIEMANN INTEGRATIONS : Fundamental theorem of integral calculus 2020-04-17 32 24 74.82 12 37.5 HANGOUT MEET APP 9381054185 2409:4070:220a:b6be:4685:3982:4dee:36d7
4 2020-04-17 05:15:00 BUJJI BABU BODDU Botany UG I Year II Semester Plant Propagation mwthods and nursery management Types of nursery beds 2020-04-17 34 28 82 28 82.35 Google classroom 9948807896 2401:4900:2168:b72e:2491:9bad:b5de:ccd7
5 2020-04-16 14:59:00 Y. Vijaya Kakshmi Mathematics UG III Year V Semester Linear algebra Stokes thereom 2020-04-16 67 49 73.26 11 16.42 Meet hang app 9700315902 2401:4900:3681:6337:2:2:fad2:8879
6 2020-04-16 13:51:00 G Sudhakar Mathematics UG III Year VI Semester Laplace transformation Objective type bits discussion 2020-04-16 25 18 70.49 9 36 Hangout Meet app 9441686669 2401:4900:18fd:9a8f:1:2:24fe:5562
7 2020-04-16 13:23:00 N.V.Malathi Mathematics UG II Year IV Semester Real Analysis Riemann Integral in Fundamental theorem of integral calculs and it's applications 2020-04-16 32 21 66 21 65.63 Google Hangout Meet
Open Board Software
Interactive Discussion with the Students
8 2020-04-16 13:18:00 K. Nagalakshmi Physics & Electronics UG III Year VI Semester Material science Clasius mosotti equation 2020-04-16 68 52 76.39 25 36.76 Pen and book 8099353785 2401:4900:18fc:dd41:1:1:24b0:ca7c
9 2020-04-16 13:15:00 S S R Bhargava Mathematics UG II Year IV Semester Real analysis Riemann Integration 2020-04-16 30 20 67 19 63.33 Question&anwermethod 9010363567 2409:4070:104:796b::10f1:c8a4
10 2020-04-16 13:12:00 B D Priyanka Devi Mathematics UG III Year VI Semester Ring theory & vector calculus Guide to semister exam & Higher education 2020-04-16 74 55 73.82 6 8.11 Speaker 8106885064 2401:4900:18f2:9773:1:1:2495:98e
11 2020-04-16 13:03:00 Dr.Ch.Sreenivasulu Mathematics UG III Year VI Semester Laplace Transforms Convolution Theorem 2020-04-16 16 12 77.58 9 56.25 Through Hangout meet app 9948617181 2409:4070:1a:a6f0::2918:b0b1
12 2020-04-16 12:38:00 Dr Ramchandra R K Physics & Electronics PG I Year II Semester Nuclear Physics Betatron Accelerator 2020-04-16 32 22 69 22 68.75 Google Hangout Meet 9440328736 2401:4900:4b32:37c6:3515:5e9c:f491:6551
13 2020-04-16 11:27:00 Alikani. Satya Siva Kumar Telugu UG III Year VI Semester Journalism Journalism samajam pi daani prabhavam 2020-04-16 42 31 74.68 9 21.43 Some pdf meterials provide through whats app Students doubts clarify through phone calls 9.19E+11
14 2020-04-16 11:23:00 Alikani. Satya Siva Kumar Telugu UG I Year II Semester General Telugu Sahitya viseshalu 2020-04-15 34 26 75.28 12 35.29 Quiz conduct through whats app 9.19E+11
15 2020-04-16 11:20:00 Alikani. Satya Siva Kumar Telugu PG II Year IV Semester Anuvaadam Anuvadam rakalu 2020-04-15 10 10 100 4 36.36 Provide Pdf meterial through wap Also some doubts clarify through ph calls 9.19E+11
Total: 36722