Academic Cell
The Academic cell was constituted in the college after receiving the Autonomous status in the year 2000 to coordinate all the academic activities in the college.
The Government College, Rajamahendravaram has a vision to make the college a value-driven academic and research institute leading the students towards beneficial results for humanity.
It works on a mission for providing qualitative education and innovative research for the all-round development of the personality of the stakeholders and in turn, the nation.
The Government College [A], Rajahmundry has set multiple objectives to develop curriculum under autonomy as well as to meet the needs of the students. Highest priority has been given to develop employability skills in the students through quality education keeping in the view of local industrial needs and also the global scenario. The College has been giving importance to the value-based, skilled education.
To meet the objectives of the College, the Academic Cell of the college has been striving hard to uphold the academic standards of the college.
Some of the key functions of the Academic cell are conducting the following:
- Boards of studies meetings
- Academic Council Meetings
- Finance Committee Meeting
- Governing Body Meeting
- Academic Audit
- Review on the Examination Results
- Preparing Academic Calendar
- Collecting the Curricular plans of the teaching faculty
- Monitoring the Departmental activities
- Works as the liaison between departments and Administration in utilizing autonomous grants received from UGC
Academic Coordinator:
Dr. A. Rajeswari, M.A., Ph.D.
Assistant Coordinators: